
辨证分型治疗湿疹40例临床观察 被引量:2

Type Differentiation And Treatment of Eczema and 40 Cases of Clinical Observation
摘要 [目的]观察辨证分型治疗湿疹疗效。[方法]使用前瞻性设计方法,对40例门诊患者,根据皮肤特点,结合症状,辨证分为4型。风热型,清热疏风祛湿方(荆芥20g,苦参10g,黄柏15g,生地30g,丹皮、连翘、防风、大青叶各15g,白鲜皮30g,车前草15g,甘草7g);湿热型,利湿清热止痒方(黄柏8g,黄芩10g,藿香、苍术各15g,枝子10g,白鲜皮20g,蛇床子10g,丹皮12g,苦参7g,地肤子21g,甘草6g);血燥型,养血祛风润燥方(当归20g,川芎15g,茯苓20g,通草10g,白鲜皮15g,丹参25g,鸡血藤、益母草各20g,玄参15g);血瘀型,活血化瘀祛湿方(当归20g,泽兰、牛膝各12g,地肤子21g,防风12g,鸡血藤、赤芍各15g,桃仁、红花各10g,银花藤、生地各20g)。连续治疗10d为1疗程。观测临床症状、皮疹、瘙痒、不良反应。连续治疗3疗程,判定疗效。随访3个月。[结果]痊愈21例,显效9例,好转9例,无效1例,总有效率97.5%,一般急性起病治疗疗效较好,多为1个疗程,而慢性复发性则需2~3个疗程。[结论]辨证分型治疗湿疹.疗效满意,无副作用,值得推广。 [ Objective ] To observe the curative effect of eczema. [ Methods ]Using the prospective design method of 40 patients with clinic, according to the characteristics of skin, combination of symptoms, syndrome differentiation can be divided into four type. Wind hot breeze clear heat, expelling dampness itching, party with eczema 1 party ( herba schizonepetae 20 g, sophora 10 g, 15 g, cortex phellodendri, radix rehmanniae 30 g, cortex moutan, forsythia, windproof, the leaf each 15 g, cortex dictamni, 30 g, plantain 15 g, licorice 7 g ) ; Syndrome been itching, party with eczema 2 party ( cortex phellodendri 8 g, baikal skullcap root, 10 g, ageratum, rhizoma atractylodis each 15 , branches 10g, cortex dictamni, 20 g, common cnidium fruit, 10 g, 12 g, cortex moutan, sophora 7g, 21 g belvedere fruit, licorice root 6 g ) XieSaoXing nourishing blood functions, clear heat lishi, party with eczema, 3rdparty ( 20 g angelica sinensis, rhizoma ligustici wallichii 15 g, poria cocos, 20 g ricepaperplant pith 10 g, 15 g, cortex dictamni, salvia mihiorrhiza 25 g, each 20 g suberect spatholobus stem, motherwort, xuan and 15 g ) ; Blood circulation by removing blood stasis, blood stasis type Qushi itching, party with eczema 4 party ( Angelica 20 g, 12 g Zelan, Achyranthes, Belvedere fruit 21 g, 12 g windproof, caulis spatholobi, radix paeoniae rubra, each 15 g, peach kernel, safflower and 10 g, honeysuckle rattan, radix rehmanniae, 20 g ) . Continuous treatment of 10 d to 1 course of treatment. Observation of clinical symptoms, skin rashes, itching, and adverse reactions. Continuous treatment 3 period of treatment, judge curative effect. Follow-up of 3 months. [ Results ] 21 cases cured, 9 cases had marked effect, improvement in 9 cases, 1 had no effect, the total effective rate 97.5%, generally the curative effect was better in acute onset, more for a period of treatment, while chronic recurrent needs 2 - 3 period of treatment. Of. [ Conclusion ] Treatment of eczema, curative effect is satisfied, no side effect, is worth promoting.
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2013年第11期9-11,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 湿疹 浸淫疮 风热 湿热 血燥 血瘀 利湿清热止痒方 养血祛风润燥方 活血化瘀祛湿方 辨证分型 中医药治疗 临床观察 Eczema Immerse sore Wind hot Hot and humid. Blood dry Blood stasis Syndrome differentiation type Traditional Chinese medicine treatment Clinical observation
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