
淇澳岛红树林改造试验 被引量:7

Mangrove reform-planting trial on Qi'ao Island
摘要 在无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)引入中国近30年,华南沿海大规模成林之际,尝试对其纯林进行改造,试验引入乡土种和国内外来种进行林相改造,试验树种为:红海榄(Rhizophora stylosa),木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza),秋茄(Kandelia obovata),桐花树(Aegiceras carniculatum),杨叶肖槿(Thespesia populnea),黄槿(Hibiscus tiliaceus),海檬果(Cerbera manghas),银叶树(Heritiera littoralis),水黄皮(Pongamia pinnata)。结果表明,木榄与无瓣海桑混交10年后,形成了郁闭的林冠层,其适合作为高纬度无瓣海桑林内混交的树种。而秋茄生长缓慢且易被上层林木的枯枝压倒折断,5年龄秋茄尚未形成林冠层。半红树树种保存率均很高,生长良好。林下乡土种的改造对土壤基质改善的规律性不明显。淇澳岛林下改造试验有助于为中国红树林恢复后的稳定性研究提供先行经验。 Nearly 30 years after Sonneratia apetala's introduction to China, it has been flourishing along the coastline of South China. Under this circumstance, we attempted to introduce native species and domestic exotic species to S. apetala plantations. Rhizophora stylosa, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Kandelia obovata, Aegiceras carniculatum, Thespesia populnea, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Cerbera manghas, Heritiera littoralis and Pongamia pinnata were experimental tree species. Results showed that B. gymnorrhiza is suit for under-planting in high-latitude, as l0 years after its mixing with S. apetala, there formed a canopy. K. obovata growed slowly and was easily broken by upper layer trees. 5-year K. obovata still did not form canopy layer. The preserving rate of semi-mangrove trees was very high and the trees grew well. Under-plant native trees did not regularly improve the quality of sediment obviously. Under-plant trials in Qi'ao Island had offered antecedent experiences to the stability research on mangrove restorat ion in China.
出处 《生态科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期534-539,共6页 Ecological Science
基金 "十一五"国家林业科技支撑计划专题(2009BADB2B0401) 广东省林业创新项目(2011KJCX017-02 2009KJCX013-01)
关键词 红树林 恢复 改造 无瓣海桑 mangrove, restoration, reform-planting, sonneratia apetala
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