分析了胃上口属上焦 ,胃体属中焦 ,胃下口属下焦 ,胃主受纳、腐熟、通降的功能分属于上、中、下三焦。指出上焦如雾如羽 ,病则受纳不利 ,胃镜多示贲门炎、胃底炎 ,治疗非轻不举 ,法宜宣发 ,宣肺开胃以主受纳 ,方用宣清降浊汤 ;中焦如沤如衡 ,病则水谷不熟 ,胃镜多示胃体炎 ,治疗非平不安 ,法宜辛开苦降 ,方用半夏泻心汤 ;下焦如渎如权 ,病则通降不行 ,胃镜多示胃窦炎、幽门管炎、胆汁返流 ,治疗非重不沉 ,方用黑白金红煎。
To analyze that the upper part of stomach is grouped to the upper Jiao,the middle part of stomach to the middle Jiao,and the lower part to the lower Jiao.The function of stomach in receiving water and food,digesting and transforming food into chyme,and sending down preliminarily digested food corresponds to the upper,middle and lower Triple Energizer respectively.The upper Energizer is described as a sprayer.When diseased,it fails to receive water and food properly.Gastroscope reveals inflamation of cardia and bottom of the stomach.The treatment is emphesized on disseminating and method on ventilating lung and regulating stomach Qi for restoration of receiving function.Xuan Qin Jiang Zhuo Tang is applied.The middle Energizer works like a fermentation tun.If affected,it fails to digest food.Gastroscope indicates inflamation of stomach-body.A therapeutic method of using pungent drugs for dispersion and bitter drugs for purgation is suitable and Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang is used.The lower Energizer works like gutters.If diseased,it fails to filter and drain off waste and surplus water.Gastroscope demonstrates inflammation of gastric sinus,pyloritis and regurgitant bile.Drugs with heavy nature and downward tendence are used.Hei Bai Jin Hong Jian is recommanded.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine