
父亲缺位与儿童早期内隐问题行为的关系 被引量:6

On the Relationship between Less Paternal Involvement and the Internalizing Problem Behaviors in Early Childhood
摘要 研究者采取横断研究设计和整群随机抽样方法,以深圳市1216名30-36月龄儿童及主要照顾人为调查对象,用自编的《儿童早期主要抚养人情况问卷》以及《中国婴幼儿社会性和情绪发展量表》对这些儿童的内隐行为发展状况进行调查,进而分析家庭教育中父亲缺位与儿童早期内隐行为的关系。结果表明:(1)1216名30-36月龄被试中,早期教养时父亲缺位的情况占39.24%。(2)亲子活动时间每天少于1小时的情况比例高达70%.这类儿童中,具有早期内隐问题行为的占8.06%,其中女童较男童更易在面对新鲜事物或陌生场所时产生退缩行为。(3)主要照顾人是(外)祖父母或保姆的儿童更易出现早期分离性焦虑,在面对新鲜事物时更易产生退缩、强迫行为。(4)父亲缺位与儿童的早期内隐问题行为。如面对新鲜事物产生退缩行为、强迫行为、忧郁以及分离性焦虑情绪有关。(5)父亲参与早期教养对儿童心理、情绪、行为健康发展具有重要影响。基于此,研究者提出了相关教育建议。 Using the methods of random cluster sampling and cross-sectional study, and self designed Toddler Care Givers Demographic Questionnaire and Chinese Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment, the authors surveyed 1216 children aged 30-36 months and their major care givers in Shenzhen and analyzed the relationship between less paternal involvement and the internalizing behaviors in early childhood. The results show: (1) Of all 1216 children surveyed, 482 children have less paternal involvement, accounting for 39.24%; (2) 70% of the children have less than one hour of father family time and 8.06% of those children have early childhood internalizing problem behaviors, and girls are more likely than boys to step back when facing new things and new places; (3) When the major care givers are grand parents or nannies, children are more likely to show separation anxiety, and tend to show withdrawal and compulsive behavior when facing new things; (4) Early childhood implicit behavior problems (such as withdrawal and compulsive behavior when facing new things, depression and separation anxiety) correlate with father less-involvement parenting; (5) Paternal participation in early childhood parenting has important influence on children's mood, emotion, and behavior. Based on the results of the study, the authors put forward some related suggestions.
出处 《幼儿教育(教育科学)》 2014年第3期37-40,共4页 Early Childhood Education(Educational Sciences)
基金 2012年度广东省教育科学“十二五”规划研究项目“大学生父亲在位与幸福感的关系研究”的研究成果之一,项目编号:2012JK288
关键词 儿童 父亲缺位 内隐问题行为 children less paternal involvement parenting internalizing problem behaviors
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