
轮椅舒适度评价体系与评价方法研究 被引量:7

Study on System and Method of Wheelchair Comfort Evaluation
摘要 目前对轮椅的研究,只注重于轮椅本身的功能如何适应人,轮椅的舒适度方面还存在很多问题,原因在于它是一个多层次、多因素的问题,设计过程中,对总体舒适度的评分很难把握。经过初步拟定、专家咨询、信息反馈、统计处理和综合归纳等,确定普通轮椅的舒适度评价指标和指标评价标准,然后根据层次分析法计算各指标权重。通过对4款轮椅车进行舒适度评价试验,根据建立的评价体系,结合每项指标的权重系数,得到轮椅舒适度的总体得分。结果证明:评价体系计算结果和主观评价结果接近。 Although the increasingly high demand of users for wheelchair comfort, wheelchair manufactures usually focus only on how to adapt to people in the functions of the wheelchair itself, there are still many inadequacies in the wheelchair comfort, and it is a multi-layered, multi-factor problem. After a preliminary development, expert ad- vice, information feedback, statistical processing and the synthesis for wheelchair comfort, an evaluation index sys- tem and evaluation criteria of common wheelchair comfort is built, and then the weights of the indicators at all lev- els are determined by the method of analytic hierarchy process in this paper. Finished comfort evaluation tests for four wheelchairs, and the overall scores for wheelchair comfort are calculated. The results show that the scores cal- culated on the evaluation system are closed to the subjective evaluation score.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期332-338,共7页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
基金 辽宁省计划项目(2011405006) 辽宁省教育厅项目(L2012165)资助
关键词 轮椅 舒适度 评价体系 层次分析法 analytic hierarchy process calculations comfort evaluation system experiments flowcharting matrix algebra wheelchairs
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