
工资法律制度谱系与国家福利制度 被引量:1

The Genealogy of Wages Law System and Country's Welfare System
摘要 劳动是其他生产要素发挥作用的基础,是按劳分配的重要衡量标准。基于劳动而产生的工资实现问题使得劳动关系谱系得以自然形成。工资实现是一个动态的概念,包含了工资的取得、增加或减少等情形。工资实现一定程度上在劳资双方的物质财富占有中呈现出此消彼长的状态,而如何对待处于弱势群体一方即劳动者的工资实现问题,同时不实质影响资方扩大再生产的资本需求以保证社会整体利益可持续发展的目标,不仅折射出一国对待国民财富的发展理念和分配调控机制问题,更是与一个国家福利制度发展理念因应互动。 Labor plays the fundamental role among the productive factors and is the important standard to the distribution according to work. The wages achieved arisen from labor makes the labor relation naturally. Wages achieved is a dynamic concept, which contains wages gained, increased, induced and so on. Wages achieved performs the zero-sum state between the labor and the capital in extent, and how to deal with wages achieved of the labor group described as the poor place group of people, and at the same time, which does no harm to the need of the fund for expanded reproduction of the capital in order to the sustained development of the society in the long run, it's not only a developed idea of national wealth and regulation and control of distribution, but an correspondence to the idea of state welfare. The thesis tries to analyze the root theory, choice of welfare system model, reasonable construction of wages achieved with the method of genealogy related the dialectics, meanwhile, according the realities of our country, exploratory research on the current wages legislation and the future wages achieved from the perspective of law control.
机构地区 兰州大学法学院
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期103-111,共9页 Academic Monthly
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目"非理性主义与劳动合同法"(12LZUJBWYB054)的阶段性成果
关键词 谱系 工资实现 福利制度模式 法律控制 genealogy, wages achieved, welfare system model, law control
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