
资源衰退型城市接续产业选择研究——以江西萍乡市为例 被引量:18

Selection of the Superseded Industries of Resources Recession City: A Case of Pingxiang City
摘要 资源型城市随着资源的不断衰竭以及在多年的发展中积累的矛盾日益暴露出来,其可持续发展面临严重挑战,如何选择接续替代产业的发展方向与路径是当前研究的前沿与热点。萍乡是一个以煤立市、典型的以传统资源型产业为主的工矿城市,目前产业发展主要存在产业结构单一、主体资源(煤炭)不断衰竭、生态环境问题日益严重和煤炭工人就业、再就业困难等问题。利用PCDL模型对萍乡市产业进行了定性与定量分析,结果表明:萍乡的工业化总体上处于中期阶段,但已出现向后期阶段过渡的明显特征;随着煤炭资源的不断枯竭,采掘业特别是煤炭开采和洗选业优势地位在下降,产业发展动力有所不足,产业发展已逐步由煤炭资源开始采转向其它资源及相关的加工制造业。因此,萍乡应着力于把中间品制造业和深加工制造业作为当前的接续产业。 Resources-orientated cities has contributed a lot to our country' s economic and social development, with declining resources and accumulation of contradictions increasingly exposed, now, in the process of re- gional development, such cities have become areas full of contradictory problems from every angle,and facing serious challenge of sustainable development.How to choose the development direction and path of superseded industries is the forefront of current research and hot spot.Pingxiang City, located in Jiangxi province, is a typi- cal industrial and mining city whose leading industry is based on traditional resource exploitation. In 2008, State Council made it fixed that Pingxiang is one of the 12 resources depletion cities and districts in our coun- try.There are many problems of its industrial development at present.it has a single industrial structure,give pri- ority to the second industry, its main resource(coal)is shrinking ,the ecological environment problem is becom- ing more and more serious,and many coal workers are hardly to find a job or again employed. This article analyzed its industrials by qualitative and quantitative study through the model of PCDL, which is a consolidation analysis stage of industrialization, competitiveness of industry, drive for industrial de- velopment, and locus analysis, using the analysis results of four angles to make a final decision.By comparing the per capita of GDP dollars, value structure of three industries, proportion of employment in primary indus- try, four indicators of urbanization rate in Pingxiang with phasing standard put forward by scholars, we can conclude that Pingxiang generally at the middle stage of industrialization, but there has appears a obvious fea- tures that it is making the transition to late stage of industrialization; based on the statistical data of Pingxiang in 2010 and by adopting principal component analysis to do data processing, it can be inferred that with the continuous depletion of coal resources, the status of extractive industry, especially coal mining and washing in- dustry, is declining;competitive industries are mainly manufacturing of intermediate goods; industrial develop- ment have gradually diverted to manufacturing of intermediate goods and deep processing, the adjustment of industrial structure has not made much significant contributions to the whole growth, Pingxiang has to strength- en its adjusting force of industrial structure; the thrust of industrial development is not strong enough and in- dustrial development has progressively turned from exploitation of coal to other resources and relevant process- ing industries. Therefore, Pingxiang should focus on manufacturing, regard manufacturing of intermediate goods and deep processing manufacturing as current successive industries, and help Pingxiang achieve the ad- justment of its resources-orientated economic structure to a manufacturing-orientated one.
出处 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期192-197,共6页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 江西省社会科学规划研究项目((13SH09) 鄱阳湖湿地与流域研究教育部重点实验室(江西师范大学)开放基金项目(PKGP2012014)资助
关键词 资源衰退型城市 接续产业选择 萍乡市 resources recession city selection of the superseded industries Pingxiang City
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