根据2011年6-8月中国资源探捕渔船在摩洛哥专属经济区海域(21°00′~ 26°00′N、15°30′~20°00′W)采集的沙丁鱼Sardina pilchardus样本,对其生物学进行初步分析.结果表明:渔获物的雌雄性比为0.93∶1,叉长小于170 mm和大于230mm的样本中雌雄性比均较大,分别为2.67∶1和3.3∶1,其余叉长范围的雌雄性比为(0.66~1.12)∶1;雌性个体的叉长范围为150 ~270mm,优势叉长为190 ~230mm,占雌性总数的81.51%,雄性个体的叉长范围为150 ~ 250 mm,优势叉长为190 ~230mm,占雄性总数的84.47%;雌性个体的体质量范围为60 ~210 g,优势体质量为90~ 150 g,占雌性总数的85.46%,雄性个体的体质量范围为60 ~210 g,优势体质量为90~ 150 g,占雄性总数的93.44%;沙丁鱼体质量与叉长的关系方程为W雌性=7×10-6L3.1076(R2=0.8483,P<0.001),W雄性=9×10-6L3.0653(R2 =0.8140,P<0.001);雌性个体中未成熟个体、成熟个体、繁殖后个体分别占76.47%、19.64%、3.89%,雄性个体中未成熟个体、成熟个体、繁殖后个体分别占69.04%、30.08%、0.88%;经拟合,半数雌性个体达初次性成熟时的叉长为228.14 mm,半数雄性个体达初次性成熟时的叉长为219.78 mm;对所取样本进行摄食情况分析,发现胃级为0级和1级的样本最多且所占比例相近,但未出现胃数为4级的样本.
The biological characteristics of sardine Sardina pilchardus were evaluated by the samples collected from the Chinese resource agent capture fishing boat working in the Morocco coastal waters(21°00′-26°00′N,15°30′-20°00′W) from June to August in 2011.The results showed that the sex ratio (female versus male) was found 0.93 ∶ 1 in the samples; larger sex ratio in the individuals with fork length less than 170 mm (2.67 ∶ 1) and more than 230 mm (3.3 ∶ 1),others were 0.66 ∶ 1 to 1.12 ∶ 1,than the others.The female sardine had fork length from 150 mm to 270 mm,the dominant size between 190 mm and 230 mm,accounting for 81.51%,and the male sardine showed fork length from 150 mm to 250 mm,the dominant size between 190 mm to 230 mm,accounting for 84.47% ; the body weight of the female sardine was ranged from 60 g to 210 g,the dominant body weight between 90 g to 150 g,accounting for 85.46%,the body weight of male sardine ranged from 60 g to 210 g,the dominant between 90 g to 150 g,representing for 93.44%.The length-weight relationship of the sardine was expressed as W=7 × 10-6 L3.1076 (R2 =0.8483,P 〈 0.001) (female) and W =9 × 10-6 L3.0653 (R2 =0.8140,P 〈 0.001) (male).There were 76.47% of immature individuals,19.64% mature individuals,and 3.89% recovery individuals in the female samples,while 69.04% of immature individuals,30.08% mature individuals,and 0.88% recovery individuals were observed in the male samples.The female sardines were found to have fork length of 228.14 mm and the male ones 219.78 mm when 50% of the sardines were first mature.The food item analysis revealed that most of the individuals showed 0 and 1 stomach fullness,no 4 stomach fullness.
Journal of Dalian Ocean University
south of Morocco coastal
Sardina pilchardus
biological characteristics