
MoS2涂层扭动微动磨损特性有限元分析 被引量:1

Finite Element Analysis of MoS_2 Coating under Torsional Fretting Wear
摘要 为探讨MoS2固体润滑涂层在抗扭动微动磨损中应用的可行性,对MoS2涂层在扭动微动下摩擦力学性能进行有限元分析,研究扭转角位移幅值、法向载荷、摩擦因数等对MoS2涂层接触表面力学行为的影响,并与基体材料扭动微动力学行为进行比较。分析结果显示:MoS2涂层扭动微动运行区域的改变消除了混合区裂纹萌生与扩展所产生的损伤;MoS2涂层在部分滑移区和滑移区,其表面塑性应变虽比基体大,但明显较小的摩擦剪应力,在部分滑移区不足以启动MoS2涂层晶体的滑移,在滑移区对塑性流动层的剪切作用不够,因此MoS2涂层表面磨损较轻微,即MoS2能有效发挥抗扭动微动磨损作用。 With the purpose of discussing the feasibility of solid lubricant coating in resisting torsional fretting wear ap-plication,the torsional fretting finite element analysis of MoS2 coating was performed.The effect of torsional angular dis-placement,normal loading,coefficient of friction on the coating contact surface mechanics behavior was investigated,which was compared with the mechanics behavior of the substrate.Analytical results indicate that damage caused by cracks initia-tion and propagation in the mixed slip regime is eliminated by the transformation of the fretting running regime.The plastic strain of MoS2 coating surface is bigger than that of the substrate under the partial slip and gross slip running region,but lesser friction shear stress can not start coating crystals slipping in partial slip region and sufficiently cut plastic flow layer in gross slip region.Consequently,MoS2 coating surface has slight wear,MoS2 coatings can effectively display resisting tor-sional fretting wear action.
出处 《润滑与密封》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期28-32,37,共6页 Lubrication Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(11172250)
关键词 摩擦剪应力 扭动微动 摩擦扭矩 微动磨损 friction shear stress torsional fretting friction torques fretting wear
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