
水貂取皮期与配种期睾丸形态参数测定及组织学观察 被引量:2

Morphological Parameters Determination and Histology Observation on Testis of Mustela vison Between Taking Skin and Mating Period
摘要 为探明水貂睾丸的季节性变化规律,试验测定了取皮期和配种期雄性水貂睾丸的基础形态参数,通过石蜡切片、苏木精-伊红染色方法对取皮期和配种期水貂的睾丸及附睾进行了组织学结构特征比较。结果表明,水貂取皮期睾丸呈长卵圆形,平均长径、短径和厚径分别为16.88mm±1.52mm、10.90mm±0.85mm和10.28mm±1.03mm,体积为1.05cm3±0.23cm3,平均重量达到1.032 3g±0.263 3g;水貂配种期睾丸呈短卵圆形,各项形态生理参数、体积及重量极显著高于取皮期(P<0.01)。在光镜下,与取皮期相比,配种期水貂睾丸生精小管内细胞层数和种类较多,包括精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞和精子细胞,生精小管与附睾管管腔中存在大量精子。而取皮期生精小管内细胞疏松,仅见少量精原细胞,并且配种期生精小管直径极显著高于取皮期(P<0.01)。 In order to investigate the regular seasonal changes of testis in mink, the basic morphological parameters were determined and histology of the testes were conducted using hematoxylin and eosin( H. E) staining. The results showed that the testis of mink in taking skin period was long egg circle, its mean long axis, short axis and thickness were respectively 16.88mm± 1.52mm, 10.90mm ± 0.85mm and 10.28mm - 1.03mm. Its mean w)lume aod weight was 1.05cm3 ± 0.23cm3 and 1.032 3g ± 0. 263 3g. However, the testes in mating period were short egg circle,the morphological parameters were significantly higher than that of taking skin period( P 〈 0.01 ). In addition, there were lots of sper- matogenic cells in the seminiferous tubule of the testes in mating lberiod, including seminoma cells, primary spennatocyte, secondary spermato- cyte, spermatids anti sperms. While it became very loose aod only a little of spennatuzoid in taking skin period. In addition, the diameter of sem- iniferous tube in mating period was significantly larger than that of taking skin period( P 〈 0.01 ).
出处 《特产研究》 2014年第1期5-9,共5页 Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant Research
关键词 水貂 睾丸 形态参数 组织学 配种期 Mustela v^on testis morphological parameter histology mating period
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