In the early 4th century AD, the western world experienced the stage of "Grecian", with many areas ruled by Rome adopting the culture, education and language of Greece. Rome naturally accepted Greek literature and art. There- fore, the classicism has already formed since Roman times. In the 3rd century AD the rhetorician Longinus wrote a classi- Cal aesthetic treatise Peri Hupsous, which is a classical theory monograph. Longinus in his book directed the writers to learn from the ancients, emphasizing learning the sublime style of the ancients" great works. Analyzing five aspects of sub- lime, he interpreted the sublime quality of the classicism from the relationship between art and reality, that between art and nature, as well as the classical creating techniques. Longinus made "sublime" as an aesthetic category, which stimu- lated the later philosophers to develop and explore constantly, and which especially exerted great and profound influence upon neoclassicism of the 18th century and Nicolas BoileauDespreaux, who is the master of neoclassicism, so as to plant the seeds of aesthetics for neoclassicism of the 18th century.
Journal of Lanzhou University of Arts and Science(Social Science Edition)