骨质疏松是一种病因 复杂、临床治疗困难的老年性疾病。由于骨密度作为诊断及随诊指标的限制,骨质疏松治疗万法一直局限在通过药物治疗提高骨密度上,而忽略了骨生长依赖于适宜的骨应变这一骨生长机制。本文介绍了因新的骨质疏松诊断指标抗骨折能力的出现而引起的治疗方法的发展,讨论了造成骨质疏松的内分泌失调、营养失衡及骨应力缺乏等病因的诊断万法,分析了骨生长与这些因素之间的逻辑关系,阐述了针对各种病因的个体化多层次治疗方法,最后,介绍了对严重骨质疏松病人预防骨折的方法。
Osteoporosis is a complex aging
disease that is difficult to be clinjcally cuerd.
The treatrnent of osteoporosis has been limited
to increasing bone mineral density (BMD) with medicine as BMD is the only quantitative diagnosis and monitoring parameter, which ignores the basie principle that the growth of a bone depends on the strain of it. This article introduces the new development of osteoporosis treatrnent methods since the new diagnosis parameter, bone strength, and corresponding standard have been formed, and discusses the causes of osteoporosis in endocrine changes, nutrition imbalance, and disuse. Authors of this article analyze the reiation between bone growth and these causes, clarify the treatrnent method for each cause, and finally introduce the methods for preventing bone fracture of osteoporosis patients.
Contemporary Medicine