An investigation into the teacher research from the cuhural-individual perspective shows that what teach- ers accept about the teacher research is the practical research not only closely related to their own educational and instruc- tional practice, but also helpful to the advancement of their educational and instructional work. Teachers conducting re- search work should possess some qualities like professional emotion and understand the benefits organizational culture of research brings to the teacher research. However, on the issues like whether all the teachers must become researchers as well as the relationship between their own experience and the teacher research there exists the disagreement or vagueness of cognition, which reflects the deep institutional obstacle to the teacher research. From the cultural-individual perspective, to promote the teacher research, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of organizational culture and create the good conditions for the teacher research, make clear the relationship between experience and research and solve the problem of legality of teacher research, and face up to the deep institutional obstacle and establish the reasonable expectation of teach- er research.
Theory and Practice of Education
teacher research
cultural-individual perspective
teachers' professional development