
创新系统功能分析模型构建及应用 被引量:17

The construction and application of a function-analyzing model for innovation systems
摘要 文章探讨了创新的本质和内涵,构建了创新系统功能分析模型,并对我国风电产业创新系统进行了功能演化分析。研究认为,创新的本质是复杂的价值创造过程,创新系统的主要功能是创造新的价值,包括科学价值、技术价值、经济价值、社会价值和文化价值;创新系统构成、创新系统功能和创新政策之间存在内在的逻辑关系,形成一个闭环。风电产业创新系统功能演化分析结果显示,我国风电产业发展具有阶段性特征,并遵循政策路线和技术成长两条路线。 This article explores the nature and connotation of innovation, constructs a function - analyzing model for innovation systems based on the newly interpretation of innovation, and investigates the function evolution process of China' s wind power in- dustry. We argue that the nature of innovation is a complex value creation process, and the main function of an innovation system is to create new values, including scientific value, technical value, economic value, social value and cultural value. There are inherent relations between the composition and structure of innovation system, the function of innovation system and innovation policies, and these three modules together form a closed loop. The function evolution analysis of China' s wind power seetoral in- novation system shows that the development of China' s wind industry has stage characteristics and follows both policy routes and technical routes.
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期1-7,共7页 Science Research Management
基金 中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所重大研究任务(2012年A类项目)
关键词 创新 创新系统 功能分析 动态演化 innovation innovation systems function analysis dynamic evolution
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