In p ally established through dences and the ideas of rocess of its historical development judicial precedents created by ju d the common law system has gradu ges various exclusory rules of eviclassified comparison and formalized definition of the weight of evidence have been put forward in theoretical research. The tendency to regulate the judicial proof proce dure had given rise to Jeremy Bentham ' s " denormalization theory", which actually embodies the idea of free proof. The evidence law of modern common law system takes free proof as a pre requisite assumption: judicial proof should not be regulated by technical rules of evidence, un less there exists a justifiable ground for doing so. Therefore, the exclusory rules of evidence, as a subjective norm of the common law system, must be able to prove its own legitimacy. The tra ditional justification for the exclusory rules of evidence is that the jury cannot be trusted to ra tionally assess certain kinds of evidence. A recent alternative justification is the need to regulate lawyers' act of producing of evidence. The research on the prerequisite assumption and function al interpretation of the evidence law in the common law system will be able to provide some in spirations to China in the field of evidence law.
Global Law Review