
TPP劳动标准议题的后续谈判与中国的选择 被引量:5

Linkage Model of Labor Standard in Further TPP Negotiation and China's Choice
摘要 劳动标准问题历经18轮谈判远未达成一致的事实反映出,在劳动标准纳入自由贸易协定方面,美国预设的一体化模式在逡巡不前的谈判面前已显出困境。TPP谈判自第18轮开始接受日本正式加入的新情况虽可能加强美国关于劳动标准问题建议文本的影响,却难以改变此前谈判业已形成的美国、加拿大和新西兰既有实践相互竞争的基本格局。要推动TPP劳动标准议题的后续谈判尽快完成,谈判方可能需要采取议题区分的思路,转向并列模式。当前美国保守的共和党执掌国会以及多数谈判方反对美国政府建议的"缔约方实施国内劳动法方面的完全强制执行机制",使得纳入模式的转变成为可能。诚然,TPP谈判中的劳动标准问题对中国加入谈判带来一定的挑战,但中国有必要以更具建设性的眼光看待劳动标准方面的国际合作。劳动标准问题不应成为中国考虑加入TPP谈判的阻碍因素。 The fact that the participants of TPP negotiation still cannot reach a consensus on the issue of labor standard after the 18th Round well demonstrates that the integrated mode of linking labor standard with FTTA proposed by US has gone into difficulties as the participants hesitate to move ahead. The entry of Japan into TPP negotiation since the 18th Round might strengthen US proposal on labor standard, but could hardly change the negotiation structure on the issue of labor standard. To reach some agreement as soon as possible, the participants might need to differentiate the issue of labor standard from others and shift the integrated mode into a parallel mode. There is a possibility for this shift due to the fact that the Conservative Republic Party currently dominates the Congress and most participants object to US proposal of fully enforceable mechanism for the implementation of domestic labor standard. Although the issue of labor standard might be a challenge for China to join TPP negotiation, it is currently necessary for China to consider international cooperation on labor standard more constructively. The issue of labor standard should not be a stumbling stone for China's decision on whether to join TPP negotiation or not.
作者 郑丽珍
机构地区 厦门大学法学院
出处 《国际经贸探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期107-118,共12页 International Economics and Trade Research
关键词 TPP谈判 劳动标准 自由贸易协定 中国 TPP negotiation labor standard free trade agreement China
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