
旱灾对河南省粮食安全的影响 被引量:2

Effects of Drought on Food Security of Henan Province
摘要 旱灾严重危害中国北方地区的粮食生产,甚至危及全球粮食安全。以河南省为例,利用近30a的农业生产统计资料,定量分析了旱灾的基本特征及其对粮食生产的影响。结果表明,旱灾对河南省粮食生产的影响较为显著,1981-2010年平均旱灾强度为16.64%,旱灾影响6.68%,均高于全国平均水平;平均每年因旱灾导致的粮食损失达到248.34×104 t,占全国7.7%左右。针对河南省旱灾现状,提出了4项应对措施:(1)积极构建与水资源承载能力相适应的社会经济发展战略;(2)切实加强农业的抗灾能力与减灾体系建设;(3)大力发展节水农业;(4)增强农业科技抗旱。 The drought seriously endangers the food production in northern China, and even threatens the global food security. Taking Henan province as an example,this study quantitatively analyzed the basic characteristics of drought and its impact on food production using the data of agricultural production statistics in the past 30 years. The results showed that the impact of drought was very significant in Henan province. The average drought intensity between 1981 and 2010 was 16.64% ,which was higher than the national average. The average annual grain losses caused by drought reached to 248. 34 ×10^4 t, accounting for about 7. 7% of the country. Four countermeasures were put forward according to the drought quo in Henan province: to actively construct the socioeconomic development strategy adapted to the water carrying capacity, to strengthen the agriculture resilience and mitigation system, to develop the water-saving agricul- ture,and to enhance the drought resistance technology.
出处 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期20-24,32,共6页 Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41101072) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(12YJCZH120) 河南省科技厅2013年度科技攻关项目(132102310357) 商丘师范学院青年科研基金项目(2011QN20 2011QN21) 商丘师范学院骨干教师项目(2013GGJS08)
关键词 农业旱灾 粮食安全 河南省 粮食损失 agricultural drought food security Henan province grain loss
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