信息孤岛是信息化建设的必经过程,信息共享是智慧城市建设所要解决的重点问题。作为智慧城市的重要组成部分,智慧国土的建设必然需要对国土资源数据进行整合。本文基于现有研究成果,结合增城市国土资源数据的实际情况,提出基于数据仓库的国土资源数据整合方案,并对增城市1∶2 000的空间基础数据进行了有效整合。
Information isolated island is an inevitable process in Information construction , and information sharing is key issue needed to resolved during building smart city .So land and resource data integration is essential in the construction of wisdom land which is an important part of smart city .Combine the existing achievements and realities of Zengcheng ’ s Land and resource data , this paper has put forward a plan of land and resource data integration based on the data warehouse , which has effectively guided the integration of Zengcheng’s Spatial basic data on a scale of 1∶2 000.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology