
老年高血压患者口腔治疗风险评估及规避 被引量:7

Risk assessment and management for older adults with hypertension in dental settings
摘要 高血压是最常见的心血管疾病,也是老年口腔患者中的常见病。高血压及其心血管并发症可影响口腔治疗,显著增加治疗过程中出现意外的风险,从而影响临床治疗的安全性。不恰当的治疗时机、方式和强度也可诱发高血压危象、心肌梗死、急性心衰和脑卒中等并发症。本文着重介绍老年高血压患者在口腔治疗中的风险,阐述风险评估和规避方法,旨在帮助口腔临床医生提高对于老年高血压患者的治疗水平,避免治疗意外的发生。 Hypertension(HTN)is commonly seen in geriatric patients. Uncontrolled HTN,HTN related complications and antihyperntentive medications may affect patient’oral health and dental treatment. Epinephrine overdoes,poor stress management and inadequate perioperative pain control can also elevate blood pressure and heart rate,increase cardiac load,interrupt homeostasis and raise the risk of stroke, myocardial infarction,acute congestive heart failure and other cardiovascular complications during dental treatment. This article reviewed HTN and its impacts on dental management and discussed the treatment planning issues for older adults in dental offices. It aims to help dental professionals better manage hypertensive patients and minimize the risk of systemic complications during dental treatment.
作者 陈曦 袁冬
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2014年第2期68-73,共6页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
基金 美国国立卫生研究院课题(K23DE022470)
关键词 高血压 口腔治疗 老年 治疗风险 hypertension dental treatment older adults risk assessment
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