试验示范表明 ,当地土壤速效钾含量在 150mg/kg以下 ,玉米、谷子、小麦、马铃薯施用钾肥后能促进植株生长 ,提高抗逆能力 ,较大幅度增加产量 ,增产幅度为 ,玉米 8 5%~ 16 3% ,谷子10 6%~ 17 8% ,小麦 9 8%~ 16 4 % ,马铃薯 14 6%~ 2 2 3%。钾肥的适宜用量为 ,玉米 12 0~180kg/hm2 ,小麦 12 0~ 180kg/hm2 ,谷子 150~ 2 2 5kg/hm2 ,马铃薯 2 2 5~ 30 0kg/hm2 。合理施用钾肥要首先将其施用在有效钾含量低的土壤和喜钾作物上。施用方法以基施为宜 ,集中条施或穴施效果较好。
Demonstration experiments indicated that when available potassium in soil was lower than 150mg/kg applying potash to maize, millet, wheat and potato could improve plant growth, enhance their ability of resistance & increase the yields greatly. The yields of maize, millet, wheat and potato were increased by 8.5%~16 3%, 10.6%~17 8%, 9 8%~16 4% and 14 6%~22 3% respectively. The appropriate amount of potash fertilizer for maize and wheat was 120~180kg/hm 2, for millet was 150~225kg/hm 2 and for potato was 225~300kg/hm 2. Potash fertilizer should be applied to the soil with low level of available potassium and to potashphilous crops. It is appropriate to apply base fertilizer with methods of drill applying and hole applying.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences