采用黑曲霉γ - 115在 12 0 0L的发酵罐中进行柠檬酸发酵中间试验。结果表明 ,在含有10 %马铃薯渣和 6%黑淀粉的发酵培养基中 ,34℃培养 96h左右 ,黑曲霉γ - 115对糖的转化率达83 14%。在此基础上 ,进行了从发酵液中提取柠檬酸的试验 ,提取收率达 57 4 9%。
Citric acid fermentation by Aspergillus niger γ-115 was carried out on a pilot plant scale. The results showed that the conversion rate of sugar to citric acid was 83.14% in 1 200L of the fermenter for 96h at 34℃ with the fermentation medium containing 10% of potato residue and 6% of black potato starch. The extraction of citric acid from the fermentation broth was also investigated and the total extraction rate reached 57.49%.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences