
求解柔索驱动并联机构最大任务空间的区间分析法 被引量:3

Interval Analysis Method for Determining Maximum Taskspace of Cable-driven Parallel Mechanisms
摘要 并联机构的工作空间一般具有不规则的几何边界。然而在应用中,操作任务通常要求工作空间具有规则的几何形状,同时还必须满足任务给定的力/力矩输出要求,称这样的工作空间为任务空间。以柔索驱动并联机构为对象,研究最大任务空间的求解问题。基于区间分析理论,提出解决此问题的一种新方法,并以平面3自由度柔索驱动并联机构为例,针对最大正方形任务空间的求解问题,给出该方法的数值计算实例。进一步分析此最大正方形任务空间的边长与动平台姿态角,以及与输出力/力矩之间的关系,发现随动平台姿态角或输出力/力矩增大,最大正方形任务空间的边长近似线性下降。 The workspace of a parallel mechanism has generally irregular boundary. In applications, however, operation tasks typically require the workspace to have regular geometric shape and satisfy given force/moment generation requirements. Such a workspace is referred to as a taskspace herein. Aiming at cable-driven parallel mechanisms, method for determining the maximum taskspace is investigated. Based on interval analysis theory, a novel algorithm to address this problem is proposed. Taking a planar 3-DOF cable-driven parallel mechanism as an example, a numerical analysis example is presented for the determination of the maximum square taskspace. Further, the relationship between side length of the maximum square taskspace and orientation angle of the moving platform as well as the relationship between the side length and the generated force/moment are analyzed. It is found that the side length of this maximum square taskspace decreases almost linearly as the orientation angle of the moving platform or the generated force/moment increases.
出处 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期10-16,共7页 Journal of Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(863计划 2008AA04Z206 2009AA012105)
关键词 工作空间 任务空间 柔索驱动并联机构 区间分析 workspace taskspace cable-driven parallel mechanism interval analysis
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