2011年6月21日至24日在北黄海海域(36°00’~40°00’N,121°00’~125°00’E)30个站位应用Uterm6hl方法进行了浮游植物群落的分析。共发现浮游植物27种,隶属3门23属,其中硅藻门15属17种,占所发现物种数的63.9%;甲藻门6属8种,占所发现物种数的30.6%;金藻门2属。优势物种为:微小原甲藻Prorocentrum minimum(Pavillard)Schiller]、具槽帕拉藻[Paraliasulcata(Ehrenberg)Cleve]、圆筛藻[Coscinodiscusspp.]、直唐氏藻[Donkiniarecta(Donkin)Grunow]、渐尖鳍藻[Di—nophysisacuminata Claparede& Lachmann]和曲舟藻[Pleurosigmaspp.]。浮游植物的表层细胞丰度为0.19×10^3~1885.67×10^3s/L,平均值为77×10^3s/L;甲藻细胞丰度为0.04×10^3~1882.15×10^3s/L,平均值为72.08×10^3/L;硅藻细胞丰度为0.04×10^3~43.82×10^3s/i,,平均值为5.11×10^3s/L。表层分布看,夏季表层浮游植物细胞高值区主要集中在渤海海峡、山东半岛和辽东半岛近岸区域,中部海域较低,优势种以具槽帕拉藻和圆筛藻为主。垂直方向上,浮游植物细胞丰度主要集中在中上层水体;断面分布上,B-F断面硅藻细胞丰度的高值区多出现于冷水团区域,主要由具槽帕拉藻贡献,甲藻细胞丰度的高值区在中上层水体,由微小原甲藻贡献。表层浮游植物群落的Shannon—Wiener多样性指数为0.03~2.94,平均值为1.57;均匀度Pielou指数为0.01~0.91,平均值为0.67。总体来看,渤海海峡和辽东半岛南岸的浮游植物物种多样性较高。典范对应分析(CCA)显示,具槽帕拉藻、圆筛藻、舟形藻、曲舟藻、太平洋海链藻[Thalassiosira pacifica GranetAngst]、斯氏几内亚藻[Guinardiastriata(Stolterfoth)Hasle]细胞丰度与营养盐条件呈现正相关。
Phytoplankton communities of northern Yellow Sea (36°00'~40°00'N,121°00'~125°00'E) were investigated at 30 stations during 21st to 24th in June 2011. With the analysis of Uterm hl method, a total of 27 taxa which belong to 23 genera of 3 phyla were identified. Bacillariophyta (15 genera and 17 species were identified) accounted for 63.90//00 of the species, 30.60//00 were Pyrrophyta (6 genera and 8 species were identified), and the left belonging to Chrysophyta. Dominant species included Prorocen- trum minimum (Pavillard) Schiller, Paralia sulcata(Ehrenberg) Cleve, Coscinodiscus spp., Donkinia recta (Donkin) Grunow, Dinophysis acuminata Clapar de~ Lachmann, Pleurosigma spp.. Cell abun- dance of phytoplankton ranged from 0.19 10a to 1885.67 10a s/L, with an average of 77 10a s/L. Pyrro- phyta ranged from 0.04 10a to 1882.15 10a s/L (on average of 72.08 10a s/L), followed by Bacillario- phyta ranging from 0.04 10a to 43.82 10a s/L (on average of 5.11 103 s/L). Phytoplankton cells in the surface water were mainly concentrated in the Bohai strait, coastal area of Shandong Peninsula and Lia- odong Peninsula, with low abundance being in the central area of the northern Yellow Sea. Paralia sulcata and Coscinodiscus spp. occurred in the surface water at most stations. Vertically, cell abun- dance of phytoplankton was concentrated in the middle and upper water layers. From the transect B to transect F, high diatom abundances were found in the cold water mass due to contributions of Paralia sulcata; similarly, Prorocentrum minimum contributed to maximum abundance of dinoflagellate in the middle and upper water. Shannon-Wiener diversity index of surface phytoplankton community ranged from 0. 029 to 2.94, with an average of 1.57, with the Pielou's evenness index ranging from 0.01 to 0. 91(on average 0.67). The higher Shannon-Wiener diversity index was found in the Bohai strait and the south coast of Liaodong Peninsula. According to canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), abundances of Paralia sulcata, Coscinodiscus spp. , Navicula spp. , Pleurosigma spp. , Thalassiosira paci fica and Guinardia striata positively correlated to nutrients.
Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology
community structure
Northern Yellow Sea