
儿童、青少年抑郁症DTI及MRS的研究进展 被引量:7

Advances of DTI and MRS in child and adolescent depression
摘要 探索儿童、青少年抑郁症DTI及MRS的研究进展。收集、整理、分析近年来儿童、青少年抑郁症DTI及MRS研究的文献。DTI和MRS可以反映抑郁症患者的神经生化和结构的异常。应用DTI和MRS研究儿童、青少年抑郁症已取得成效,显示出良好的应用前景。 To explore the advances of DTI and MRS in child and adolescent depression.Literatures about DTI and MRS in child and adolescent depression in resent years were collected and summarized.DTI and MRS can reflect the neurochemical and structural abnormalities in patients with depression.Using DTI and MRS to study dhild and adolescent depression has achieved remarkable results and has good prospects.
机构地区 滨州医学院
出处 《医学影像学杂志》 2014年第3期481-483,共3页 Journal of Medical Imaging
关键词 儿童青少年 抑郁症 扩散张量成像 磁共振波谱 Child and Adolescent Depression DTI MRS
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