
乳腺癌防治社区干预模式及效果评价研究 被引量:4

Effect evaluation study of community intervention model for breast cancer prevention and treatment
摘要 目的了解社区干预对妇女防治乳腺癌意识的影响,探索适合社区的乳腺癌防治干预模式。方法2011~2013年对辖区内已婚育龄妇女进行乳腺癌筛查,并记录个人信息。结果(1)2011~2013年乳腺超声受检率分别为16.05%、18.39%、25.47%,其差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。(2)乳腺癌检出率分别为10.61/10万、67.85/10万、110.29/10万。其中采用乳腺黑白B超异常进一步乳腺钼靶筛查模式,乳腺癌检出率为66.09/10万、369.00/10万、433.09/10万,仅采用临床触诊+乳腺红外线仪进行乳腺癌筛查,乳腺癌检出率为0。(3)检出的17例乳腺癌有14例临床分期为I期。结论通过社区干预可提高妇女防治乳腺癌的意识,采用合适的乳腺癌筛查方法可提高乳腺癌早发现、早诊断、早治疗率,避免后续的放疗、化疗对患者造成的健康损害,同时也可以通过保乳手术提高患者的生存质量,取得良好的社会效益。 Objective To understand the impact of community intervention on women's awareness of breast cancer prevention and treatment and explore suitable community intervention model for breast cancer prevention and treatment. Methods From 2011 to 2013, married women within jurisdiction received breast cancer screening and their personal information was recorded. Results (1)From 2011 to 2013, the breast ultrasound examination rates were 16.05%, 18.39% and 25.47% respectively, with statistically significant difference (P 〈 0.01). (2)The breast cancer detection rates were 10.61/100 thousand, 67.85/100 thousand and 110.29/100 thousand. The breast molybdenum target screening model was further used for the abnormal results in breast black-and-white ultrasound B, and the breast cancer detection rates were 66.09/100 thousand, 369.00/100 thousand and 433.09/100 thousand. For the breast cancer screening using only clinical palpation and breast infrared ray, the detection rate was 0. (3)Of the 17 cases of breast cancer, 14 cases were in clinical stage I. Conclusion Community intervention can improve the women's awareness of breast cancer prevention and treatment. Suitable breast cancer screening method can improve the early detection, early diagnosis and early cure rates of breast cancer, avoid health damage caused by subsequent radiotherapy and chemotherapy, improve the patients' quality of life through allowing breast-conserving surgery, and obtain favorable social benefits.
出处 《中国医药科学》 2014年第4期68-71,共4页 China Medicine And Pharmacy
基金 广东省广州市海珠区科技计划项目(2011D-03)
关键词 乳腺癌 社区干预模式 效果评价 Breast cancer Community intervention model Effect evaluation
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