目的 了解四川省医院抗菌药物使用情况。方法 对四川省23所医院2011年6月25日00:00 -24:00的在院患者抗菌药物使用情况进行横断面调查。结果 23所医院27 144例住院患者调查日抗菌药物使用率为42.4%,各医院日使用率范围为24.3%~63.3%。以治疗用药为使用目的者占63.8%,使用1种抗生素的占72.2%。36.9%的治疗性用药患者送标本培养。随着医院规模的增大,抗菌药物使用率逐渐降低(χ^2=411.834,P=0.000);随着地区经济水平的提高,医院抗菌药物使用率逐渐降低(χ^2=500.093,P=0.000)。抗菌药物种类使用前3位依次为其他β-内酰胺类抗生素、青霉素类抗生素和第3代头孢菌素类抗生素。结论 四川省抗菌药物使用情况总体较为合理,仍需继续降低住院患者不合理的抗菌药物使用,加强抗菌药物临床应用管理。
Objective To investigate and analyze the antibiotic use in Sichuan Province. Methods Antibiotic use of inpatients was investigated in 23 hospitals on the day of June 25, 2011. Results The percentage of antibiotic use was 42.4% in the total 27 144 inpatients, the range of which was between 24.3% and 63.3% for each hospital. And 63.8% of the antibiotic use was for therapeutic purpose, and 72.2% used only one antibiotic drug. A total of 36.9% of the patients receiving antibiotic treatment for therapeutic use sent samples for pathogenic detection. With the increase of the size of the hospital (judged by the number of beds), antimicrobial drug utilization decreased with statistical significance (Х^2=411.834, P=-0.000). With the improvement of regional economic level (judged by per-capita GDP of each region), the hospital antimicrobial usage decreased with statistical significance (Х^2=500.093, P=0.000). The three types of antimicrobial drug most frequently used were other β-lactam antibiotics, penicillin and third generation cephalosporin. Conclusions Antibiotic use is reasonable in Sichuan Province as a whole. However, it is necessary to reduce irrational use of antimicrobial agents continuously, and to strengthen the management of clinical antibiotic usage among inpatients.
West China Medical Journal
Cross-sectional survey
Antimicrobial agents
Rational drug use