Objective To/nvestigaie the efficacy of fixation across the injureti vertebra with posteriur short-segment pediele screws and a monu-segment translaminar facet screw to treat fractures of lumbar verte-bra. Methods The study reviewed 52 patients (43 males anti 9 females) who had nndergone surgery from January 2011 to June 2012 fur lumbar fractures. Fixation across the injured vertebra with posterior short-segment pediele screws was adopted for 27 cases (group A) and fixation aeross the injured vertebra with posterior short-segment pedicle serews and a mono-segment translaminar facet serew for 25 cases (group B). The 2 groups were compatible with no signifieant differences in general clinical data ( P 〉 0.05). The spinal curd funetio, was evaluated according to Frankel's scale; the local pain and work status of the patients at the last fulluw-up wel~ evaluated using the Denis scale. Postoperative implant failure and fusion rate. as well as the pain and work status of the palients at the last follow-up, were compared between the 2 groups. The 2 groups were also compared at preoperation, postoperation and the last follow-up in terms of spinal cord func- tion, anterior height loss of the injured vertebra, spinal canal stenosis and cobb angle, Results All patients were fullowed up fur 12 tu 36 months (average, 22.5 months) . No implant loosening or breakage occurred in all the patients except in one case in group A who had implant loosening 16 months postoperation. There was a signifieant differenee ill the fusion rate between group A (88.9%) and group B (100%) ( P 〈 0.05) , All the patients gained an improvement of 1 to 2 grades in neural functinn of the spinal curd. There were no significant differences at the last follow-up between the 2 groups regarding the Frankel's evaluation or work status ( P 〉 0.05), but group B scored significantly better than group A in local pain evaluation ( P 〈 0. 05) . There were no significant differences at postoperation and the last follow-up between tile 2 groupsregarding anterior height loss of the injured vertebra, spinal canal stenosis or correction of cobb angle ( P 〉 0. 05), but group A had significantly greater loss of cobb angle than group B ( P 〈 0. 05). Conclusions Compared with conventional transpedicular fixation with posterior short-segment pedicle screws, supplemental fixation with a mono-segment translaminar facet screw can strengthen the spinal stability, increase fusion rate and better maintain the correction of cobb angle. Therefore, it is a good posterior treatment for fractures of lumbar vertebra to adopt fixation with posterior short-segment pedicle screws and a mono-segment translaminar facet screw.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
Spinal fractures
Bone, screws
Fracture fixation, internal
Spinal fusion