产业化是现代农业的普通经营形式 ,是中国农业现代化的必然趋势。产业化经营的实质就是通过农产品的产、加、销一体化经营的组织结构 ,以“风险共担、利益均沾”机制为基础 ,实现农业的自我保护、自我积累和自我发展。以此为判断标准 ,我们认为 :中介组织或专业批发市场 +农户不是产业化经营形式 ;公司 +农户为非完整形式 ;合作组织型才是完整形式。所以 ,在产业化经营实践中 ,应放弃非产业化组织形式 ;逐步改造非完整形式 ;
Industrialization is a common business form of modern agriculture and an inexorable trend to modernize China's agriculture. Based on “joint venture and interest sharing' principles and integrating into the structure of manufacturing, processing and marketing, the operation is to be self-protective, self-accumulative and self-developing. Referring to this criterion, we don't regard agents or wholesale markets coupled up with farmers as the form of industialization. Companies with farmers are incomplete forms while cooperation between them is the complete one. Thus, the practice of industrialization should exclude a non-industrialized form. An incomplete form should be replaced step by step by a complete one and intensively developed.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)