
髂胫束摩擦综合征的低场MRI表现 被引量:5

The Low Field MRI Findings of Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome
摘要 目的:探讨髂胫束摩擦综合征的低场MRI表现特征。方法:回顾性分析临床随访证实的12例髂胫束摩擦综合征的临床及0.35 T磁共振成像(MRI)资料。结果:全部患者均有膝外侧疼痛,以跑步等运动时为著。MRI急性期及亚急性期以髂胫束肿胀、信号增高,髂胫束内侧和(或)外侧肿胀积液为主要表现(本组4例);慢性期以髂胫束增厚、伴髂胫束内外侧积液为主要表现(本组8例)。MRI显示以冠状位为佳。结论:认识髂胫束摩擦综合征的临床及低场MRI表现特征有助于早期正确诊断。 Objective: To explore the low field MRI features of the iliotibial band friction syndrome (ITBFS). Methods: The clinical and 0.35 T MRI imaging data of 12 patients with ITBFS lesions confirmed clinically were analyzed retrospectively. Results: All patients had lateral knee pain, particularly evident when running and other sports. On the acute and sub acute stage (4 cases), MRI showing the iliotibial band swelling with the increased signal, the swelling effusion located in the medial and (or) lateral of the iliotibial band; On the chronic phase (8 cases), MRI showing the thickening iliotibial band, the swelling effusion located in the medial and (or) lateral of the iliotibial band may be seen. The coronal MR imagings show the best. Conclusion: Knowing the features of clinical and low field MRI manifestations may be helpful to early diagnosis of the ITBFS.
出处 《CT理论与应用研究(中英文)》 2014年第1期139-144,共6页 Computerized Tomography Theory and Applications
基金 2013年徐州市科技发展基金(xm13B085) 序列设计部分为2010年徐州市科技发展基金(XF10c060) 2013年江苏省新技术引进奖2等奖获奖项目"低场磁共振快速扫描及辅助装置"部分内容
关键词 髂胫束 髂胫束摩擦综合征 膝痛 iliotibial band iliotibial band friction syndrome knee pain MRI
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