
教师的教学专长——研究缘起、争议与整合 被引量:19

Origin,Disputes,and Integration of Teaching Expertise
摘要 教学专长是教师在教育性教学中经过验证的能够有效解决教学问题的个人特征的总和。教学专长研究已开展了几十年,人工智能、教育学的有效教学研究、认知心理学的专长研究和人事心理学有关胜任力/素质的研究,对教师教学专长理论的发展都起到了重要的推动作用。但目前关于教学专长的领域一般性与领域特殊性,教学情境的复杂性以及构成成分的认知性与非认知性,发展路径的经验累积性与能动突变性等都存在争议。教学专长研究的理论整合要充分认识教学工作的复杂性,突出教学专长发展中的情境应对特征的动态性、生成性和教师的能动性,加强对专长实践表现特征的研究,探索专长发展的能动性转变机制,特别是要探索适应性专长的获得机制,专业发展能动性的启动机制,总结促进教师专长发展的实践策略。 Teaching expertise is the total of personal characteristics, which can be proved to solve problems in efficiency in educational teaching. However, research of artificial intelligence, effective teaching research, expertise research in Cognitive Psychology and the competency research in Personnel Psychology have all,after decades of development, contributed much to the theory of teaching expertise, but the disputes about teaching expertise exist still:is it domain-general or domain-specific? Is the context simple or complex? Are the contents of it solely cognitive factors or also inclusive of non-cognitive factors? Is the development path experience cumulative or mutation dynamic? For these issues, future theory integration of teaching ex- pertise should fully understand the complexity of teaching work. In fact,it is necessary to highlight the dynamic,generative, and agentive characteristics of situational coping in the development. It should also strengthen the studies of the practical be- havior characteristics of expertise,and explore on the agency mechanism of expertise development,in particular, the mechanism of adaptive expertise acquisition and the professional development system of agency triggering.
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期15-23,共9页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 高等学校全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金(200707)
关键词 教学专长 教学复杂性 个体能动性 teaching expertise teaching complexity human agency
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