C语言在嵌入式开发领域中起着举足轻重的作用。作为一个软件程序开发人员,在某些情况下,为了更好地组织代码,面向对象的设计方式未尝不是一个好的选择,而LW_OOPC(Light-Weight Object-Oriented Programming in C)框架却很好地支持了面向对象的一些基本特性。在LW_OOPC的基础上实现某型直升机显控系统(IDCS)RS422通信软件的设计及其封装。该设计在一定程度上解决了由于非软件所引起的数据传输错乱的问题,并在其仿真实验室通过了验证,证明此设计的可行性,也证明此LW_OOPC框架适用于VxWorks操作系统。
C language plays a decisive role in embedded system development field. In some cases, object-oriented programming method would be a good choice if the software program developers would like to organise software code better, and LW_OOPC ( light-weight object- oriented programming in C) framework does support some general object-oriented features well. In this paper, based on LW OOPC, we implement the design and encapsulation of RS422 communication software for integrated display control system (IDCS) of a certain type of helicopter, the design solves to a certain extent the problem of data transfer disorder caused by non-software, and has passed the verification in its simulation lab. Besides proving the feasibility of the design, the adaptability of this LW_OOPC framework for VxWorks operation system is also proved as well.
Computer Applications and Software