目的在城市不同功能用地的不透水地面采集48份灰尘样品。方法利用磷钼蓝分光光度法测定其在不同pH的模拟酸雨溶液浸提下可溶磷的析出值,并采用单因子指数评价法对金华市婺城区灰尘水溶性磷的污染程度进行评价。结果 (1)从空间上看,各功能区水溶性磷含量由大到小的顺序为旅游区,商业区,居民区,工业区。(2)从时间上看,模拟实验初期磷元素的溶出量是最多的,随时间变化磷的溶出量逐渐减少。(3)纯水浸提液中磷含量要高于酸雨浸提液中的磷含量,平均值分别为4.329 mg/kg与3.311 mg/kg。(4)在金华市酸雨背景下,酸雨溶出的磷的单因子指数除了工业区值<1,其它功能区值均>1。结论表明城市灰尘中的磷被溶出对地表水及地下水已造成污染。
Objective Forty - eight dust samples were collected from the impervious surface of urban area used for different functions. Methods The precipitation level of phosphorus in the samples immerging in the simulated acid rain solutions of different pH values were tested by phosphorus molybdenum blue spectrophotometer. The single factor index method was used to evaluate the degree of soluble phosphorus contamination in wucheng district, jinhua. Results The results showed that: (1) From the perspective of space, the rank, from high to low, of the degree of soluble phosphorus contamination in different domains was tourism area, commercial area, residential area and industrial area; (2) From the perspective of time, the highest level of phosphorus appeared at the initial stage of the simulated experiment, and later, it became lower and lower; (3) The level of phosphorus in pure water was higher than that in simulated acid rain solutions, with specific data as 4. 329 mg/kg and 3.3tl mg/kg respectively; (4) In the acid rain context of Jinhua, the single factor index of phosphorus precipitated from acid rain was lower than one in industrial area, while other domains' indices were higher than one. Conclusion Indicating that the precipitated phosphorus in wucheng district's dusts had already contaminated its surface water and the underground water.
Trace Elements Science
city dust
phosphorus pollution
nonpoint source
acid rain