Since currently the low academic level of jurisprudence study lies in the researchers of juris- prudence, the focus should be converted to the academic study itself. Considering the methodology of academ- ic history is the fundamental method, the low academic level of jurisprudence study in China is caused by the lack of methodology of academic history study, which has resulted in that the academic jurisprudence studies cannot be distinguished from non - academic ones ; jurisprudence fails to be established as an independent dis- cipline; the chaotic citation in jurisprudence study cannot function as academic evaluation; and the academic tradition to focus on studies of western countries has become a pervasive inclination. Therefore, the academic level of jurisprudence study in China is suggested to be improved by the following measures, such as to proper- ly separate practical standards from academic standards; to establish academic independence and independent standards of academic evaluation; to better understand the significance of academic feature; to enhance con- ception of academic history; to improve academic norms and to promote academic traditions of jurisprudence with China' s own characteristics. It should be reiterated that the academic feature and methodology of aca- demic history are not higher requirements for jurisprudence study, rather, they function as a reminders that the jurisprudence study should start with basic research methods before exploring other measures.
Northern Legal Science
jurisprudence study academic feature academic norms academic tradition