【目的】研究祁连山中段高山草原蝗虫与植物群落之间的生态关联性。【方法】于2011-05-09,在甘肃省肃南县皇城镇周边草场中设置12块样地,在样地内采用方框取样器和样方框(1 000mm×1 000mm)对蝗虫群落和植物群落进行系统随机抽样调查,利用典型相关分析(CCA)法对蝗虫群落与植物群落的相关性进行分析,并在此基础上,用主成分分析(PCA)法对群落特征进行进一步分析与排序。【结果】①捕获蝗虫成虫3 148头,隶属6科,10属,共12种;小翅雏蝗、狭翅雏蝗、永宁异爪蝗和宽须蚁蝗为优势类群,分别占捕获成虫总数的34.78%,18.43%,14.52%,11.76%;亚洲小车蝗、红翅皱膝蝗、短星翅蝗和白纹雏蝗为常见类群,分别占捕获成虫总数的5.72%,4.94%,4.15%,3.68%;宽翅曲背蝗、李氏大足蝗、青海痂蝗和裴氏短鼻蝗为稀有类群,分别占捕获成虫总数的0.63%,0.63%,0.54%,0.22%。②CCA分析结果表明,红翅皱膝蝗、宽翅曲背蝗、亚洲小车蝗以及宽须蚁蝗、小翅雏蝗种群的发生特征与栖息地内植物群落均匀度和莎草科优势度密切相关(P<0.01);PCA分析结果显示,前3个主成分分别为白纹雏蝗、亚洲小车蝗、短星翅蝗种群特征与莎草科优势度和禾本科优势度关系的综合因子,小翅雏蝗、宽须蚁蝗和狭翅雏蝗种群特征与植被群落盖度关系的综合因子以及永宁异爪蝗种群特征与植被群落垂直结构关系的综合因子。③PCA排序结果显示,12块样地可归为5个类群,不同类群中蝗虫群落丰富度、多样性、均匀性、平均密度指标的排序结果有明显差异。【结论】植物群落中,禾本科类植物为食物广谱性蝗虫提供了充足食料,莎草科、菊科等非禾本科类植物对蝗虫群落的影响,不仅在于食物资源供应方面,更多地体现在植物自身的生物学特性对蝗虫发育不同时期群落结构的影响;蝗虫自身的生活习性以及植物群落的水平、垂直结构共同影响着蝗虫对栖息地的选择。
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the ecological relevance between grasshopper and plant communities on alpine grassland of Qilian Mountains. [Method] From May to September 2011, 12 sample plots were set up on grassland around Sunan County,Gansu Province. Box sampler and quadrat frame(1 000 mm× 1 000 mm)were used to survey grasshopper and plant communities with system sam- pling method, canonical correlation analysis (CCA) was used to analysis relevance between grasshopper and plant communities,and principal component analysis (PCA) was used to do further analysis and sor- ting. [[Result] (])A total of 3 148 grasshoppers belonging to 12 species, 10 genera and 6 families were cap- tured. Chorthippus fallax (Zub. ) , Chorthippus fallax (Zub. ) , Euchorthippus yungningensis Cheng et Tu,and Myrmeleotettix palpalis (Zub.) were dominating species, accounting for 34. 78%, 18. 43%, 14.52% ,and 11.76%, respectively. Oedaleus decorus asiaticus B.-Bienko,Angaracris rhodopa (F.-W. ), Calliptamus abbreviatus Ikonn. and Chorthippus albonemus were common species, accounting for 5.72 %, 4.94 ~, 4. 15 %, and 3. 68%, respectively. Pararcyptera microptera rneridionalis ( Ikonn. ), Gornphocerus licenti (Cheng) ,I3ryodema rniramae miramae B.-Bienko and Filchnerella beichi Ramme were rare species, accounting for 0.63%,0.63%,0. 54%,and 0.22%, respectively. @Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) showed that population characteristics of Angaracris rhodopa (F.-W. ) ,Pararcyptera microptera rneridi- onalis (Ikonn. ) , Oedaleus decorus asiaticus B. -Bienko,Myrmeleotettix palpalis (Zub. ) , and Chorthippus fallax (Zub.) were closely related with evenness of plant communities and cyperaceous dominance (P〈 0.01). The first three main components of principal component analysis (PCA) were the comprehensive factor of the relationship between population characteristics of Chorthippus albonemus Cheng et Tu, Oedaleus decorus asiaticus B.-Bienko,and Calliptamus abbreviatus Ikonn. with dominance of cyperaceous and grass, the relationship between population characteristics of Chorthippus fallax (Zub.) ,Myrmeleotet- tix palpalis Zub. and Chorthippus dubius (Zub.) with vegetation coverage,and the relationship between population characteristics Euchorthippus yungningensis Cheng et Tu and vertical structure. @ Ordination consequence classified 12 sample plots into 5 groups with significant differences in richness of grasshopper, diversity, uniformity and average density. [Conclusion] Gramineae plants afforded enough food to grass- hoppers with broad spectrum feeding habits. Cyperaceous plants and compositae plants had restrictive effects on grasshopper. Plants biological property influenced different development stages of grasshopper. The living behavior and horizontal and vertical structure of plant communities also influenced habitat selec- tion.
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
plant community
canonical correlation analysis
principal component analysis
alpine grassland
Qilian Mountain