
全球化背景下中国行业间工资增长差异的演变及其原因 被引量:9

Evolution and Reason of the Difference of the Growth Between Inter-industry Wage in China
摘要 借助非竞争投入产出模型,从国民经济投入产出系统的角度分析1987-2007年全球化背景下中国行业间工资增长的差异及其原因。研究表明,20多年我国资本密集型产业、劳动密集型产业、服务业的行业人均工资增长表现出极大的差异性。不同阶段国内消费、投资、出口、技术进步等因素对行业工资的不同拉动效应是导致近年来中国行业间工资增长差异迅速扩大的重要原因。行业层面的结果分解表明,1997年以后驱动我国各行业人均工资增长的动力来源发生根本变化,出口对我国第二产业,包括劳动密集型产业行业工资增长的贡献显著上升,而国内消费和国内投资对第一、第三产业,包括资本密集型产业以及垄断性行业工资增长的贡献显著上升。 This paper uses the non-competitive Input-Output model to analyze the difference and reason of inter-industry wage in China form 1987 to 2007. The results show that growths of the capital intensive industries, service industries and labor intensive industries indicate great differences. We find the change of contribu- tions of domestic consume, investment, export and technology progress in different phase is the main reason of causing the increasing gap between different Chinese in- dustries after 1997. At the industry level, we find that the export has becoming the most impartment factor to promoting the secondary industry and labor-intense in- dustries, while the domestic consume and investment have remarkable contribution to the first and the third industry, the capital-intense industries and the monopoly industries.
出处 《数量经济技术经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期3-18,82,共17页 Journal of Quantitative & Technological Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金"国际外包下的偏向性技术进步与行业收入差距研究"(11CJL040) 国家社科基金重大项目(11&ZD001) 国家自然科学基金(71073076) 2012年度高校"青蓝工程"项目(201216)的资助
关键词 全球化分工 工资增长 增长差异投入产出表 Labor Divide of Globalization Growth of Wage Difference of Growth Input-Output Model
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