
暴力、爱欲与书写:《紫颜色》中的女性身体政治 被引量:6

Violence, Eros and Writing: Body Politics in Color Purple
摘要 通过文本细读和理论研究,本文将揭示爱丽丝·沃克代表作《紫颜色》中的女性身体政治。在小说中,沃克不仅揭露了黑人女性身体被伤害的事实,还积极调动黑人女性身体的生产性和能动性以推进黑人女性的自我建构。莎格的爱欲,索非亚的暴力抗争,西丽的"身体"书写代表着黑人妇女发挥身体能动性以建构自我的3种途径。本文认为,将黑人女性的诉求和反抗进行文化编码的书写策略最有效地建构了女性自我,最集中体现了沃克提出的"完整生存"的理念。这种研究不仅契合文学理论领域出现的身体转向,也将为世界范围内所有正在探索自我身份的女性带来启示。 This paper aims to demonstrate a strong awareness of body politics in Alice Walker's highly acclaimed novel, Color Purple after textual and theoretical close-reading. This novel not only reveals the stark truth of how black women's bodies have been mutilated, but also demonstrates three kinds of strategies of constructing gender identity by means of eros, voilence and writing, respectively represented by Shug, Sophia and Celie. Among these strategies of body protest, Celie's writings, the cultural encoding of the black women's claim and resistance, is the most effective and appropriate way for female blacks to construct their identities. This paper, as the product of "the turn of the politics" in literary thoery, will bring enlightenment to those women who are still exploring their gender identity.
作者 刘彬
出处 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2014年第2期64-69,共6页 Journal of Beijing International Studies University
基金 教育部规划基金项目"非裔口述文化传统与非裔美国小说关系研究"(12YJA752033)阶段性成果
关键词 书写 爱欲 暴力 身体政治 主体建构 紫颜色 writing eros violence body politics gender identity Color Purple
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