In the process of trade facilitation, the development of paperless trading is of great significance. Paperless trading can greatly reduce the use of the paper trade documents and recipients in traditional trade, thus reducing the trade cost and increasing the trade efficiency. Project of cross-border transmission of electronic certificate of origin is an important part of the "APEC's Strategies and Actions toward a Cross-Border Paperless Trading Environment" . Learn from the experiences of Korea and Chinese Taibei, the administrative department should play a key role, and drive from top to down, closely and effectively cooperate with other economies, es- tablish coordination mechanism with other APEC economies, establish the legal framework of electronic certificate of origin, strengthen the propaganda and promotion and implement step by step. All of those will be conducive to China's implementation of the cross-border transmission of electronic certificate of origin.
Asia-Pacific Economic Review
APEC贸易投资自由化和便利化特别账户(Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation Special Account