
太平洋联盟:深度一体化的一次尝试 被引量:3

The Pacific Alliance:An Effort towards Further Integration
摘要 太平洋联盟是拉美新型的区域一体化组织,虽然成立时间不长,但发展迅速,未来有望对世界经济和区域合作格局产生重要的影响。全球金融危机导致的外部市场变动、拉美一体化日趋保守和区域化带来的压力,是太平洋联盟的成立基本原因。太平洋联盟积极推进地区经济深度一体化,为此采取积极措施促进商品、服务、资本和人员流动,该贸易安排除促进自身经济增长和产生新的区域效应外,还会对拉美一体化和亚太区域产生影响。 The Pacific Alliance is a new type of regional integration. Although it is a new one, it develops rapidly and will exert important imacts on world economy and the order of regionalization. Three points can be summed up for its birth: the change of outside markets due to the global financial crisis, the increasing conserva- tive Latin American integration, and pressures from regionalization. The Pacific Alliance adopts policies to pro- mote the movements of goods, service, capital and people. In addition to its own growth and changes to its regionalization, The Pacific Alliance affects Latin American and Asia-Pacific regionalization.
出处 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期157-162,共6页 Asia-Pacific Economic Review
关键词 太平洋联盟 拉丁美洲 区域一体化 亚太地区 The Pacific Alliance, Latin America, Regional Integration, Asia-pacific Region
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