
基于邻接矩阵的CPM网络图线路枚举算法 被引量:1

A path enumeration algorithm of CPM networks based on adjacent matrix
摘要 为将邻接矩阵所表达的复杂网络关系转化为一系列简单的单线线路,以线路矩阵进行表达,提出一种枚举网络图线路的算法。该算法以邻接矩阵为数据源,直接针对实工序进行搜索,克服了单代号和双代号网络图中虚工序的影响;算法利用邻接矩阵元素的定量化意义计算出线路总数,结合广度搜索,应用"遇叉承前"思路,搜索线路组成,最终生成线路矩阵。 To resolve the problem of transforming the complex network relationshop trix to a series of simple linear path, a path enumeration algorithm was proposed expressed by the adjacent mathrough the expression of path matrix. Because of using adjacent matrix as data resource, the algorithm overcomes the reliance on dummy activities in activity - on - node networks and activity - on - arc networks by searching path among the real activities. It makes use of the quantified definition of the adjacent matrix to compute the total number of paths, combines breadth first search with the thought of copying the previous components when it searches another bifurcation of a node to get the elements of each path, and finally generates a path matrix.
出处 《铁道科学与工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期36-42,共7页 Journal of Railway Science and Engineering
基金 铁道部科技资助项目(20100922015)
关键词 CPM网络图 线路枚举 邻接矩阵 广度优先搜索 CPM networks path enumeration adjacent matrix breadth first search
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