
要素禀赋是否影响了贸易结构?——基于经验研究文献的述评 被引量:5

Does Factor Endowment Influence Trade Structure:A Survey Based on Empirical Literature
摘要 本文梳理了20世纪80年代以来国际上研究要素禀赋是否影响贸易结构的经验文献。首先介绍在标准的HOV理论框架内研究要素禀赋与贸易结构的文献;然后,通过不断放松假设,分别介绍考虑国家间技术差异、中间品贸易、需求差异、贸易成本等因素的文献;最后介绍在其他要素禀赋理论框架内研究要素禀赋与贸易结构的经验文献。通过评述已有文献,本文发现要素禀赋仅是贸易结构的重要决定因素之一,未来的经验研究方向应该关注要素禀赋对贸易结构的贡献度。 This paper reviews the empirical studies on factor endowment and trade structure since1980s.Firstly,it reviews the empirical literature based on standard HOV theory.Secondly,by relaxing assumptions,it reviews empirical literature considering technological gaps among countries,intermediate products trade,demand differences,and trade costs.Finally,it reviews literature based on other factor endowment theories.Based on the literature involved,this paper finds that factor endowment is only one of the important determinants of trade structure.Future research should focus on the contribution of factor endowment to trade structure.
作者 薛蕊 苏庆义
出处 《中南财经政法大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期57-64,159,共8页 Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
关键词 贸易结构 要素禀赋 技术差异 中间品贸易 国际贸易 Trade Structure Factor Endowment Technological Differences Intermediate Products Trade
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