以来源于国内外的73份代表性萝卜种质为研究对象,以4℃春化处理种子21 d,田间鉴定评价萝卜种质的耐抽薹性。结果显示,田间生长136 d时,9份国外材料仍未显蕾,表现为极耐抽薹,其中来源于韩国(6份)和日本(1份)的大萝卜资源7份,来源于日本的黑萝卜和俄罗斯的樱桃萝卜各1份。采用7个指标对显蕾开花的64份萝卜种质进行系统评价分析表明,各指标的次数分布基本符合正态分布,蕾期薹高略向低值区域偏离。方差分析结果显示,7个指标在不同材料间的差异显著。相关性分析表明,显蕾期和开花期的相关性达到极显著水平,显蕾期和开花期均可作为评价萝卜抽薹早晚的指标。抽薹速度分别与花期薹高、薹高差、抽薹天数的相关性达到极显著水平,综合了这4个指标的描述特性,较好地反映了不同萝卜种质的抽薹能力。花期薹高与薹高差、抽薹速度的相关性极显著,可用该指标评价抽薹能力,简单易行。分别用主成分分析和隶属函数法评价64份抽薹开花萝卜种质的耐抽薹性,不同耐性种质均能被很好地区分开,其中筛选出的2份耐抽薹种质的评价结果一致,主成分聚类分出1份极不耐抽薹种质。
Radish(Raphanus sativus L.) is one of important vegetables in China and the premature bolting is a destructive problem in radish production. In this study, 73 radish accessions were selected as materials, whose seeds were treated at 4 ℃ for 21 d, to identificate bolting tolerance of radish germplasm in the field. It resulted that 9 foreign materials still not bolting after growing for 136d, which were classified as the level of high tolerance to bolting. Among them, 7 accessions were Raphanus sativus L. var. longipinnatus Bailey originated from Korea(6)and Japan(1) respectively, 1 Japanese accession belonged to R. sativus L. var. niger, 1 Russian accession belonged to var.radiculuse pers. 7 indexes were used to evalutate bolting characteristics of 64 bolting accessions. Frequency distribution of all indexes accorded with normal distribution, stem height at bolting stage and stem height at flowering stage slightly biased to low value area. Significance analysis showed that 7 indexes were at highly significant level, indicating that bolting features of tested accessiones expressed significant difference. Correlation analysis resulted that budding date and flowering date were different in highly significant level. Flowering date could be selected to effectively evaluate the bolting tolerance of radish germplasm. Bolting speed reached a highly significant correlation level with stem height at flowering stage, stem height at budding stage and number of bolting days. Bolting speed could well refelect bolting ability of radish germplasm. The stem height at flowering stage reached a very significant correlation with number of bolting days and bolting speed, which could be used to evaluate bolting ability conveiently. To evaluate the tolerance to bolting of radish germplasm using principal component analysis and subordinate function method, radish germplasm were well separated. 2 radish germplasm were screened to be highly tolerant accordingly. Only 1 radish germplasm was screened to be susceptible to bolting as principal component analysis.
Journal of Plant Genetic Resources
Tolerance to bolting
Identification and evaluation
Principal Component Analysis
Subordinate Function