
一个植物无性生殖遗传规律的发现 被引量:1

Discovery of the Asexual Reproduction Genetic Law of Plant
摘要 为了固定植物杂种优势,克服杂交水稻必需年年制种,杂种只能利用一次等缺点,本研究进行了固定水稻杂种与遗传育种研究。考察了30个野生稻种,其中西非长雄蕊野生稻80-001(AgAg,O.longistaminata)受到重视,为根茎繁殖,大花药、长柱头、花粉粒小而均匀,但自交不亲和。用长野80-001与亚洲栽培稻(O.sativa,AA)杂交,在杂种F2、F3出现了农艺性状整齐一致并能连续遗传的群体,并称此为群体分离和固定杂种。这种群体分离和固定杂种不符合孟德尔氏生物有性生殖遗传规律,故称此为植物无性生殖规律,表达该规律的遗传模式是F1=F2=F3……=F n,F1≌F2=F3……=F n。这一发现揭示了植物无性生殖遗传规律,填补了植物无性生殖遗传空白,且应用于植物育种能固定种间、亚种间、品种间的杂种优势,节约2/3以上的育种时间、人力、物力,是一个植物快速育种的新途径。选育的粳稻中新一号(粳稻84-15/喜峰F2)(93)京审粮字第9号、籼稻杂交稻一号(90-3027/坊迪F2),已通过北京市和海南省审定推广。 The new type rice named hybrid rice that can be used for generations but do not need seed production every year was developed because of fixing heterosis, and the fixing heterosis of genetic and breeding. In this study,30 wild species were enrolled , O.longistaminate AgAg had the traits including rhizome reproduction, big anther with long stigma, small with uniformity for pollen grain, and with viability but self-incompatibility. The genetic of the hybrid of F2 and F3 population with uniformly agronomic traits that were continuous when developed from the cross of O.longistaminate AgAg and O.sativa AA, the population segregation and fixing hybrid that were very different from the inheritance which F2 and F3 generation separate individually and homozygosis after several generation of continuous self pollination named as Mendelian inheritance. The expression pattern of genetics was F1=F2=F3……=Fn and F1≌F2=F3……=Fn. The discovery was the first world record and showed the rule of inheritance of plant asexual reproduction and application of the genetic law of fixing heterosis to plant breeding that would save more than 2/3 time and material resources when hybridization between indica/wild rice, subspecies japonica and indica, and cultivars of japonica rice. This was the new way for plant breeding, for instance, japonica Zhongxin NO.1 (developed from F2 population of the japonica 84-15/Xingfeng cross) and indica hybrid rice NO.1(developed from F2 population of the Indica 90-3027/Fangdi cross) were recommended for commercialization in Beijing city and Hainan province.
作者 陈建三
出处 《植物遗传资源学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期447-455,共9页 Journal of Plant Genetic Resources
基金 国家科技攻关计划(85-002-01-03-1) 农业结构调整重大技术研究(专项2002-04-02B) 2009年科技部"863"计划(2009AA102113) 2009年国家自然科学基金项目(10087101-235-63)
关键词 水稻 无性生殖 群体分离 固定杂种 二倍体孤雌生殖 珠心胚分子标记 Rice asexual reproduction population segregation fixed hybrid double parthenogenesis nucellus embryo
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