
融资融券能促进标的证券的定价效率吗?——基于上证50ETF的实证研究 被引量:5

Can Margin Trading Enhance Pricing Efficiency of Underlying Securities?——Empirical Evidence from Shanghai 50 ETF
摘要 通过分析ETF作为融资融券标的前后折溢价率水平变化及其影响因素,发现融资融券推出和交易费用减免都显著提高了ETF的定价效率。具体而言,融资融券推出与交易费用减免都是通过影响ETF的套利成本来提高其定价效率的。交易费用减免一方面直接降低了套利显性成本,另一方面通过提高市场流动性降低了套利隐形成本;而融资融券推出为ETF交易提供了额外的套利渠道,降低了市场非流动性对原有的跨市场套利的影响,从而提高其定价效率。 This paper studies the effect of margin trading mechanism on the pricing efficiency of under-lying securities .Based on the analysis of the ETF premiums rate and its influencing factors ,it is found that the ETF pricing efficiency has been improved after margin trading presence as well as transaction cost remission .Specifically ,both margin trading presence and transaction cost remission ameliorate the pricing efficiency of ET F by decreasing the cost of arbitrage .On one hand ,transaction cost remission directly reduces the explicit arbitrage cost ;on the other hand ,it reduces the inexplicit arbitrage cost through enhancing the market liquidity .Margin trading ,as another channel of arbi-trage ,decreases the effect of market illiquidity on the intrinsic inter-market arbitrage cost and en-hances the pricing efficiency of ETF .
作者 黄顺武 昌望
出处 《合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期1-8,94,共9页 Journal of Hefei University of Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金项目(2012HGXJ0083)
关键词 融资融券 卖空机制 定价效率 交易费用 ETF margin trading short selling ET F pricing efficiency transaction cost
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