目的:了解发热伴血小板减少综合征(SFTS)在病源区内的临床特征及流行病学特征,阐明与其它病区的病征差异,探讨其发病机制.方法:采用流行病学个案调查、描述性分析法,对比研究SFTS病源区-河南省信阳市境内近10年发生的确诊病例、疑似病例的临床特征及流行病学特征.结果:(1)三间分布:SFTS疫情主要发生在每年的5~9月份(98.07%),6~7月为高峰期(63.82%);发病地区多为山地、丘陵地带或水库周边地区;发病群体主要从事户外生产、50岁以上中老年为主(97.63),以60~79岁最多,女性多于男性.(2)临床特征:所有病例均有发热病征,伴有乏力(97.36%)、食欲减退(92.32%)、畏寒(90.82%)等非特异性症状,临床表现为发热伴白细胞和血小板减少,白细胞、血小板进行性减少可持续到发病后14~15 d,但后者持续时间更长.结论:SFTS病源区内的临床与流行病学特征与其他地区存在差异,其发病机制尚有待于进一步研究.
Objective:To discover the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) from its origin region comprehensively,compare their differences from which occurred in other areas,and to provide information for further study.Methods:A descriptive epidemiological method combined with individual case investigation was used to analyze the dada on epidemiology,diagnosis and treatment collected from clinically diagnosed as well as suspicious patients with severe fever and thrombocytopenia syndrome occurred in Xinyang,Henan province,the origin region during recent 10 years.Results:SFTS seemed to be endemic in the Southwest Xinyang,and most cases were 50 and over residing in mountainous,hilly region or reservoirs areas (97.63%) and 63.82% of patients were reported from June to July.They all experienced fever with the body temperature ranging from 37.6 ℃ to 40.7 ℃,which was the major on set symptom.Meanwhile,most patients also experienced fatigue (97.36%),anorexia(92.32%),chill(90.82%) and other non-specific symptoms.The major clinical symptoms were fever,thrombocytopenia and leucocytopenia which could last 14~15 days or even longer for thrombocytopenia.Person to person transmission was not found.Conclusion:There are differences in clinical and epidemiological characteristics of SFTS in Xinyang compared with other provinces,and further study needs to be done.
Journal of Changzhi Medical College
Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome
Origin region
Clinical characteristics
Epidemiological characteristics