
利用石灰石循环煅烧/碳酸化顺序脱碳脱硫的新方法 被引量:1

A new method for used limestone in calcination / carbonation looping for sequential decarburization and desulfurization
摘要 在考虑电厂石灰石-石膏湿法脱硫技术造成的CO2排放的基础上,提出了利用循环煅烧/碳酸化分离二氧化碳过程中失活CaO替代脱硫用石灰石的新工艺.借助半经验公式,以600 MW机组为计算实例,进行了失活吸收剂和脱硫所需吸收剂的物料衡算.结果表明:锅炉排烟含CO2浓度为10%~15%时,保证CO2脱除效率85%~95%之间时,分离CO2排放的失活氧化钙物流为166.96~456.70 mol/s,足以提供脱硫需要的12.26~73.48 mol/s吸收剂同时,可减排因脱硫产生的CO21.94 ~ 11.64 t/h. It had been noticed that in power plant due to limestone-gypsum wet desulphurization technology amount of CO2 was emissioned, we proposed a new method on the basis of limestone cyclic calcination/carbonation process. To make use of deactivationed CaO, some limestone was instend by CaO for desulfurization. Using semi-empirical formu- la, a 600 MW power plant unit was choosen as the calculating examples. Results show that the boiler exhaust contai- ning CO2 concentration from 10 % to 15 % , guarantee the CO2 removal efficiency between 85 % to 95 %. The deacti- vationed CaO mol mass is 166.96 to 456. 70 mol/s due to the separation of CO2 whitch is enough for desulfurization need from 12.26 to 73.48 mol/s, at the same time it can reduce CO2emissions froml. 94 to 11.64 t/h.
出处 《华北电力大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第1期101-105,共5页 Journal of North China Electric Power University:Natural Science Edition
基金 河北省自然基金资助项目(E2013502292)
关键词 钙基吸收剂 失活吸收剂 脱硫 二氧化碳排放 calcium based sorbent deactivation absorbent desulfurization CO2emissions
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