

Meta- analysis of the association of vitamin D receptor Bsml gene polymorphism with risk of tuberculosis: a meta - analysis of 15 studies
摘要 目的应用荟萃分析探讨维生素D受体(VDR)的BsmI基因多态性与结核易感性的关系。方法在PubMed、EMBASE和中国期刊全文数据库(CM(I)对1998年1月1日一2013年3月19日数据进行系统的文献检索,对检索得到的15项研究进行全面荟萃分析。评估VDR的BsmI基因多态性与结核发病风险之间的关联强度,并进行人群种族亚组分析。结果Meta分析结果发现VDR的BsmI基因多态性合并OR(95%CI)分别为等位基因模型(b vs B:OR=0.78,95%CI=0.67,0.89),纯合子模型(bb vs BB:OR=0.61,95%CI=0.43,0.87),显性遗传模型(bb+Bb伪BB:OR=0.77,95%CI=0.61,0.97),隐形遗传模型(bb vs Bb+BB:OR=0.70,95%CI=0.56,0.88)。亚组分析结果显示VDR的BsmI基因多态性与亚洲人群的结核发病风险存在显著关联。结论荟萃分析表明,VDR的BsmI基因多态性为结核发病的危险因素,尤其在亚洲人群中风险更加显著。 Objective To study the association between vitamin D receptor gene(VDR)BsmI polymorphism and tubercu- losis(TB)risk by metaanalysis. Methods A systematic literature searching was performed on PubMed,EMBASE and Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)up to March 19,2013.We performed a comprehensive metaanalysis of 15 publications. We assessed the association between VDR BsmI gene polymorphism and TB risk and performed sub - group analyses by ethnicity, sample size and Hardy Weinberg equilibrium(HWE). Results We found a statistically significant correlation between VDR BsmI gene polymorphism and decreased TB risk in four comparison models:allele model(b ta B: OR = 0.78,95% CI = 0.67,0.89), homozygote model(bb vs BB: OR = 0.61,95% CI = 0.43,0.87) ,recessive model(bb vs Bb + BB: OR = 0.70,95% CI = 0.56,0.88)and dominant model(bb + Bb vs BB: OR = 0.77,95% CI = 0.61,0.97), especially in studies based on Asian population. Conclusion This meta- analysis suggests that VDR BsmI gene polymorphism is associated with a significant decrezsed TB risk,especially in Asians.
出处 《常州实用医学》 2014年第1期1-6,共6页 CHANGZHOU PRACTICAL MEDICINE
关键词 结核 BSMI 基因多态性 维生素D受体 META分析 tuberculosis BsmI,gene polymorphism vitamin D reeeptor meta- analysis
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