

Comparing research of post operative body temperature for patients reconstructing the knee anterior cruciate ligament with autograft or allograft
摘要 目的了解自体腱和同种异体腱重建膝关节前交叉韧带术后体温变化差异,寻求相应的护理措施。方法对30例自体腱和30例同种异体腱重建前交叉韧带的患者术前1 d、术后0 d^4 d每日4个时间点的体温进行观察。结果异体腱重建的患者术后0 d^4 d的体温与自体腱重建的患者体温无明显差异,对2组患者术后0 d至术后4 d的每日平均体温、每日体温最高值、每日体温最低值以及术后3 d白细胞计数分别进行统计,仅术后2 d平均体温和术后2 d体温最低值的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但二者体温均在正常值范围内,其余体温差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论应对自体腱和异体腱重建前交叉韧带术后体温变化予以同等对待,改变同种异体移植术后早期体温高于自体移植的传统观念,并根据体温变化规律,做到科学护理。 Objective To study post-operative body temperature of patients after reconstruction of the knee anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)with autograft and allograft,and find out related nursing methodology. Methods 60 patients performed ACL reconstruction (autograft 30 as group A,and allograft 30 as group B) were selected.Temperature were measured 1 day before operation,the day of operation up to 4 days after operation at 6AM、10AM、2PM、6PM. Results The mean temperature and the lowest temperature of the second day after the operation of group B were higher than of group A,showing a significant difference (P&lt;0.05),the mean temperature of group A is 36.61+0.249,group B is 36.84+0.338;the lowest of group A is 36.16+0.272,group B is 36.41+0.403 .Otherwise,the mean temperature、the daily highest and lowest temperature、fever time of duration、leucocyte count of the two groups had no difference.Conclusion The traditional idea,reconstruction with allograft tendons is higher than with antograft tendons,should be changed,The temperature of the two groups should be observed coorderative,And the temperature nursing should be improved.
出处 《基层医学论坛》 2014年第1期6-8,共3页 The Medical Forum
关键词 重建前交叉韧带 自体腱 异体腱 体温对照 ACL reconstruction Autograft Allograft Temperature control
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