目的观察肝脏毒素型蘑菇中毒治疗方案疗效。方法取近10年11例肝脏型蘑菇中毒患者,急诊给予一般处理包括催吐、洗胃、导泻、补液,药物治疗包括保持足够热量,补充维生素、给予保肝药物,输新鲜血浆,纠正凝血异常。同时控制脑病,包括去除诱因,减少毒物的生成和吸收,促进有毒物质的代谢清除,防止脑水肿,保护脑细胞,所有患者均联合血液透析、血液灌流。结果 11例患者有5例短期内临床表现及实验室指标好转,最终有3例患者治愈出院。结论肝脏损害型蘑菇中毒发展到重度肝性脑病阶段,病死率极高;对于早期脑病给予积极地全面的干预治疗,可以提高患者生存希望。
Objective To observe the liver toxin type mushroom poisoning curative effect of treatment. Methods Take nearly 10 years, 11 cases of liver type mushroom poisoning patients, emergency treatment to give general processing include vomiting, gastric lavage, catharsis, rehydration, drug treatment include keeping enough quantity of heat, vitamin, to protect liver medicine, lose of fresh plasma, correct coagulopathy. Control encephalopathy, including removal of incentives, reduce the generation of toxicant and absorption, promote metabolism to remove toxic substances, prevent cerebral edema, protect brain cells, all patients were combined hemodialysis, blood perfusion. Results 11 patients have five short-term clinical manifestations and laboratory parameters better, the ifnal three patients cured discharged from hospital. Conclusion the development of liver damage type of mushroom poisoning to severe hepatic encephalopathy phase, high mortality rate. For early encephalopathy to actively comprehensive intervention treatment, the hope can improve the patients survival.
Guide of China Medicine
The liver of toxins
Hepatic encephalopathy
Artiifcial liver