
对抗凝患者的规范化药学监护模式探讨 被引量:11

Exploration of standardized pharmacy practice model for anticoagulation therapy
摘要 目的探索临床药师参与抗凝治疗管理的切入点与规范化药学监护模式。方法结合国外抗凝治疗目标及权威指南,以一例抗凝患者的药学监护工作为例,系统分析临床药师在抗凝治疗及综合治疗过程中发现监护点、改善治疗效果的途径和方法。结果通过对抗凝患者的全程化药学监护,逐步建立药师参与临床抗凝治疗管理的规范化工作模式。结论药师在抗凝治疗团队中深入开展规范化药学监护,可更好地保障患者用药安全。 Objective To explore pharmaceutical care points and standardized pharmacy practice model for anticoagulation therapy. Methods Through the use of National Patient Safety Goals and guidelines, pharmacy practices were conducted and care points were searched for a patient receiving anticoagulants by clinical pharmacists to improve the outcome of patient therapy. Results Pharmaceutical care was provided for the patient by clinical pharmacist, and a standardized practice model for anticoagulation therapy management that involve clinical pharmacists was established. Conclusion Standardized practices for anticoagulation therapy performed by clinical pharmacists can improve rational drug use and highlight the value of clinical pharmacists.
出处 《中国临床药理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期227-228,231,共3页 The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
关键词 临床药师 抗凝治疗管理 药学监护 clinical pharmacist anticoagulation therapy management pharmacy practice
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