
钠-葡萄糖协同转运蛋白2抑制剂治疗糖尿病研究新进展 被引量:5

Latest research progress on treatment with sodium-glucose cotransporter 2inhibitors in diabetes mellitus
摘要 钠-葡萄糖协同转运蛋白2(SGLT2)抑制剂通过抑制SGLT2促进肾脏排出葡萄糖以改善血糖水平。与其他口服降糖药或胰岛素联用可增加降糖效果。还可通过尿液排出过多卡路里以减轻体重,为糖尿病患者提供更好的治疗效果。随着病情进展,糖尿病患者肾小球滤过功能降低,SGLT2抑制剂可能有肾脏保护作用。 The mechanism of action of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors is that SGLT2 inhibitors can modulate renal glucose reabsorption and plasma glucose level. They can combinedly be used with other oral antidiabetic drugs or insulin with better hypoglycemic effects. Weight loss owing to urinary calorie leakage and the negative energy balance offer a valuable clinical benefit. Through reducing glomerular filtration rate, SGLT2 inhibitors may decrease the progression of the disease and play a renal protective role.
作者 刘锴 宋海燕
出处 《中国糖尿病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期280-282,共3页 Chinese Journal of Diabetes
关键词 糖尿病 钠-葡萄糖协同转运蛋白2 钠-葡萄糖协同转运蛋白2抑制剂 Diabetes mellitus Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2.) Sodium-glucosecotransporter 2 inhibitors
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